Thursday, August 9, 2007

First post

Welcome to my new blog. I hope that with this website, I will be able to bring you more project ideas. I will be trying to upload images as often as I can, as well as keep everyone up to date about what is going on at Stampin' Up! So please check in often to get inspiration, to get updates about events I will be holding, and to find out the latest and the greatest about Stampin' Up! I can't wait to get started!


Jeff Vanderhoff said...

Hello Miss Keathe,
I am very excited to be apart of your blog. My husband has all kinds of blogs that he writes on and now I can write on yours. Congratulations and keep blogging. Karen

Jeff Vanderhoff said...

Hey Keathe,
I just put a message on your blog and I don't know where it went oh well. I will keep on blogging. Karen