Saturday, May 22, 2010

Did I mention that May seems to be birthday month?

My 8 year old was invited to two birthday parties this weekend, so I was busy making cards. Only problem is that I am so well versed in little kid and girlie cards, that I was having a problem when I realized that a cutesy little woodland creature wasn't going to cut it for 10 and 8 year old boys.

So I did manage to find one image that was birthday and didn't have an adorable little smiling face on it (seriously, even the mailbox on Create-a-Critter has a smiley face).

Hopefully these will do until I can get tough boy stuff for cards :)

Thanks for looking!


Vicki Berloffe said...

Those turned out great! And I'm totally all laughing at anti-Cricut Keathe, posting all of this Cricut stuff! LOL

Keathe said...

Yeah, laugh it up, Vicky! But now that I have a cricut, I am going to be your worst enabler. Mwah, hah, hah (that was my evil laugh) ;)

TUKI said...

Love your cards... June is the month in my family with a million birthdays it seems! LOL