Monday, April 21, 2008

Technique Class - finally!

Hi everybody,

Everybody is finally well here, and so we will be starting up technique classes again. Because we haven't met for so long, we'll be learning two techniques this month. Class will be at 7pm on Tuesday, the 29th. We'll be learning various techniques using beads, and also using glitter. Everyone will get two tags with instructions, and we'll all be making two cards. I have pictures of the cards we'll be making posted above. The cost will be $5, but the fee will be waived with a $15 order. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to me by Sunday the 27th so I can have materials prepared for you.

Also remember that the May SAS is coming up on Sunday, May 4th. I'll be posting more pictures of the projects we'll be making as I can photograph them. If you saw the earlier post with the pictures of the 3X3 cards, we are also making a cute little box to hold those cards (and envelopes will be provided for them as well). Hope to see lots of you there!

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